Monday, 4 July 2016


 All participants in "Allotted" take their turns at looking after the exhibition - acting as security, talking to visitors and hopefully selling works and publications.

The original idea (well David and Robert’s idea) was that the writers would use the time they spend ‘minding’ the gallery to write.

Sitting in the gallery (particularly on quiet days – of which there haven’t yet really been any – we had over fifty people through on Friday) – gives a writer lots of time to think, undisturbed by the demands of the day (such as ‘I’ve made you some coffee, come and drink it now’ or ‘I forgot to get any watercress, can you go to Sainsbury’s?)

 So we decided we’d write a piece each week to be called Gallery Thoughts.

We are trying (Margaret feels David is particularly trying) and we have produced two pieces so far. The first (by David) was rejected on grounds of “inappropriate language”, while the second (by Robert) was felt to be “likely to offend”. Robert has now written that ‘while writing, and indeed art, probably should offend and shock, it mustn’t offend or shock the writer’s wife.’

David has reverted to being ‘the gelati man’ (copyright Malcolm Pryce – “Last Tango in Aberystwyth”) for the day. Robert has been inspired to change his ambition from getting a play on Radio4 to becoming the Frankie Boyle of Bolton Allotments, and is working on his next offering.
The more sensitive hope that Ros’ return may provide some more seemly material.

 Meanwhile ‘the naughty boys’ skulk in their corner plotting their next outputs, Watch this Space!


Saturday 2nd July 2016

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