Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Update 17/05/2016


Much has been happening behind the scenes.

The Catalogue
The exhibition catalogue is now in the final processes of being prepared for our printers. All the images and text are with Ged. The 'master' needs to be with the printers by mid June. The posters went some time ago. The catalogue will feature only the artists, with each having their own section and set of images. The catalogue has been funded by a grant from the Bolton Arts Forum.

The Writers
There will be a separate "booklet" ("Allotted: the back of the seed packet") which will contain the essays, prose and poems that have been written about the allotment experience by Ros Davis, Robert Eldon and David Jackson. The booklet will be A5, with 24 pages of content. The layout and order has been finalised and final editing and proof-reading is under way.

Funding for the booklet has still not been secured. A bid by Abas for funds is being considered by the National Allotments Gardens Trust (NAGT). The Trust hope to come back to Abas with some clarifying questions after the 20th May and they should then be able to make a decision. It's really going to the wire, and is somewhat stressful for the writers, who are still not yet certain that their work will be printed. We are all keeping our fingers crossed that the decision will be positive and will come in time to get to the printers.

Some of the writers' work will appear as part of the exhibition, both Ros and David are producing short pieces which will be wall-mounted.

A short piece about the Exhibition / Slug Society has appeared in the current issue of 'Allotment and Leisure Gardener' (issue 2 2016 page 41).

Ros has been informed that a piece about the exhibition will appear in the 'News' section of the next issue of 'Kitchen Garden'.

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